About iTech Academy

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We are an ICT learning center offering highly practical and hands-on experience by equipping and validating skills through globally recognized certifications. Upon completion of our program the learner will be able to manage, monitor, maintain and support various technologies and services used in real business environments.

Grow your knowledge and your opportunities with thought leadership, training and tools.

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About Us
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Mission: To equip our learners with ICT skills through highly practical and hands-on training experience.

Vision: To be recognized as a leading center in ICT training and certifications.

Why Choose Our Institution

Certifications: We endeavor to add value to our students through globally recognized certification. Our learners, at the end of the course, will get globally recognized certification.

The certifications include:

  1. Microsoft certifications
  2. Information Technology Specialist certifications

Scholarship Facility: With the support of our partners, we support needy students who have the passion for ICT skills through scholarships.

Certified Lecturers: All our lecturers are qualified and certified in their domain of expertise

Learning facilities: We have well equipped computer labs and eLearning platforms.